Downtown Mebane Development Corporation (DMDC) is responsible for managing Mebane's NC Main Street Program. This program is an invaluable resource that provides education, support and funding to help Mebane spur economic growth, preserve historic assets and create jobs.
Historic Downtown Mebane, one of the fastest-growing municipalities in North Carolina, is the hub for regional leisure and recreational activities. Downtown serves as the center for community engagement and is rich with diverse small businesses, nightlife, and dining options for a positively charming experience.
The mission of the Downtown Mebane Development Corporation is to facilitate the revitalization and preservation of historic Downtown Mebane through an inclusive collaboration and partnership with greater Mebane.
Everyone can be a part of “Main Street.” We are the champions of our downtown – preserving and promoting its history, creating new experiences for residents and visitors, and planning for the future to ensure that downtown continues to be THE place to be for the next generation.
We are proud of our city and everything we have accomplished together. We are always in need of volunteers who share our vision and want to help us make Mebane an even better place to live, work, and play. With opportunities for business recruitment, event planning, trail development, fundraising and more, there is sure to be something that interests you. Become a part of our community today and discover how you can make a difference.
We are working on a full list of volunteer opportunities. Check back often or fill out the above Volunteer Form and we will reach out and let you know where we could use your help.
Teresa Dallas
The Curious Peddler
Sugaree Thornton
Clay Street Printing & Signs
Sarah Williams
Habitat of Humanity for Alamance County
Grace VandeVisser
Alamance County Convention & Visitor's Bureau Ex Officio Officer
Peyton Fuqua
Hen Feathers at the Elegant Relic
Barbara Guttman
Red Hill Investments, LLC
Katie Burkholder
Mebane City Council
Ex Officio Officer
Ken Walker
REMAX Diamond Realty
Greg Payne
Economic Leadership, LLC
Aaron Davis
City of Mebane
Ex Officio Officer
Kat Mathias
Impulsive Creativity
Steve Krans
Junction on 70 & Martinho's
Mayor Ed Hooks
City of Mebane
Ex Officio Officer
Leisure, Wellness & Recreation
Focused on creating a vibrant and active downtown, this committee promotes outdoor spaces, fitness opportunities, and recreational activities. It encourages a healthy and connected community.
Community Engagement & Inclusivity
This committee fosters a welcoming and inclusive environment where all residents and visitors feel valued. It leads initiatives that bring people together, celebrate diversity, and strengthen connections within the downtown community.
Public Arts
This committee enhances downtown Mebane with creative and inspiring public art installations, murals, and sculptures. It works to support local artists and bring visually engaging experiences that celebrate the community’s culture and history
Downtown Events
This committee brings energy and excitement to downtown Mebane by planning and supporting community events, festivals, and gatherings. It helps create experiences that draw residents and visitors alike.
Historical Preservation
Dedicated to protecting and celebrating Mebane’s rich history. It works to maintain the charm and character of downtown while promoting adaptive reuse and educational initiatives.
Small Business
Nightlife & Dining
Supporting local entrepreneurs, this committee helps strengthen downtown’s small businesses. It promotes initiatives that attract shoppers, diners, and entertainment seekers to create a thriving and dynamic downtown experience.
This year was our first year as an organized Main Street Program. It was a year of setting goals, gathering feedback from residents and businesses and developing a plan of work for envisioning the future of downtown Mebane. We put in a lot of work and achieved many of the goals we set for 2023, but there is still a lot of work to be done. Join us in celebrating all the hard work that went into 2023. A big thank you to our board and community volunteers who made this all possible.

Nationally recognized. Locally powered.
Main Street America has been helping revitalize older and historic
commercial districts for more than 35 years. Today it is a network of more than 1,600 neighborhoods and communities, rural and urban, who share both a commitment to place and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. Main Street America is a program of the nonprofit National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

Mebane is a North Carolina Main Street community, designated by the N.C. Department of Commerce Main Street & Rural Planning Center. Downtown Mebane Development Corporation is charged with administering the program at the local level and building public-private partnerships to spur economic development that achieves measurable results such as investment, business growth, and job creation.
We’re looking to engage our community through volunteer opportunities. If you want to get involved, please contact us at info@visitdowntownmebane.com.